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Welcome to the 18th Judicial District Public Data Dashboards.  Being open and transparent is one of District Attorney John Kellner’s CORE values, and this tool will make more information available to the public about what we do on an ongoing basis in an interactive manner. 

To the best of our ability, the information presented here is useful and reliable, but it is important to acknowledge some limitations: The data is only as good as the data that exists, and that always involves human input and automated calculations.  We expect and acknowledge that, on the individual case level, there will be inaccuracies.

Regarding race and ethnicity: Ideally, race and ethnicity data would be based on voluntary self-identification, but the source of this information is varied and may come from law enforcement, the courts, or self-identification.  Further complicating matters, the state court system doesn’t have a data field to track ethnicity.  We will continue to work with our partners to develop better ways to present this information accurately, but are providing the information we have understanding the limitations.

If you are seeking additional information about a specific case, you can request public records from the court, or request additional record from our office here. Please remember that our ability to share information or comment on a pending case remains limited by the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, and specifically by Rule 3.6 and Rule 3.8.If you have questions or comments about this project, or have ideas about additional data points you would like to see included, please submit those comments here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


Dashboard Links:

Dashboard 1 – Snapshot: The Past Year

This includes information on the number of cases filed, cases resolved, the number of days to resolution, and the average number of court appearances before resolution across all four counties in the 18th Judicial District.

Dashboard 2 – Case Filings

Here you will find information on the number of cases filed by case type (Traffic, Misdemeanor, Juvenile, and Criminal case filings) over the last couple of years, along with a list of the cases filed in the past 30 days.

Dashboard 3 – Case Dispositions

Roughly 1 out of every 3 cases our office handles results something other than a plea of guilty or a finding of guilty at trial. This dashboard presents information about the types of resolutions entered on a case in four categories:  Acquitted, Deferred Judgment, Dismissed, and Found Guilty.

Dashboard 4 – Sentence Outcome

The vast majority of cases in the 18th Judicial District involve a sentence focused on treatment and rehabilitation, rather than a sentence to prison. This dashboard gives information about the types of sentences at are imposed on cases in our jurisdiction.

Dashboard 5 – List of Sentences

For several years our office has provided quarterly data regarding sentences to prison. This expands on that effort to include a list of all the sentences that have been imposed in the selected time period, along with information on race, ethnicity, and gender. As discussed above and explained in more detail on this link, we have concerns about the accuracy of the data, but believe that transparency and honest conversations about these issues are critical.  We want to engage in those conversations rather than hiding behind concerns about data accuracy.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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